Reunion Team

The Reunion Planning Team

Nancy Carlson Jaksich Catherine Dalziel
Victoria (Vickie) Franklin Lishka Don Jensen
Patti Johnson Lachenmeier Nancy Jordahl Reese
Rick Krahn Rudy (Randy) Lachenmeier
Kristine Lundquist Jurgenson Krista Markee McKillip
Jean McElligott Fryer Katy Nadal
Dick Pearce Nancy Rollins Gantz
Laura Ross Paul Karl Rudnick
Diane Shimshak Jan Winkenwerder Lehmer


Additional Volunteers

The following have indicated a willingness to help out with the Reunion. If you’re not on this list and want to give a hand, send an email to to be added to the list. Thanks to all willing to help – many hands make light work.

Stephen Anderson Barb  Chappell Serwitz
Brian Cone Lawrence Delay
Margaret Doherty Patrick Harrington
Kathleen Hetzler Duckworth Billie Jean Hemstreet Stevens
Walker  Hollenbeck Chris Kammer Dungan
Jocelyn Gaye Kirrie Thornburg Rocco Lardiere
Elaine Londer Kantor Margi Morrison Lillegard
Jack Nunn Donald Oliver
Berta Poznanski Keller Nancy Prestwood Martin
John Rayburn Estelle Thompson Keating
Erik Thune Mary (Kristin) Tooze Kern
Thalia Williams Gelbard Sandi Windes Holmgreen
Teri Yeomans Jagielski