Reunion Signup

Wilson Class of '68 Golden Reunion Signup

Your $50 ticket is your entry key to both 50th Reunion events: Saturday, Sept 8 evening at the Multnomah Art Center in Multnomah Village and Sunday, Sept 9 afternoon at Gabriel Park. For full Reunion event details see the 50th Reunion page. Tickets must be purchased before September 1, but please register now because if turnout is too light, the $50 price may increase after July 31 to cover basic costs.

Click on the option below for the number of tickets you wish to buy. This is a 2-step process (1) Pay and press “Return to Merchant” which then displays the registration form; (2) Fill out the Registration form with your info, guest(s) info and possible dietary restrictions; press Submit. You will receive separate payment and registration confirmation emails; save the latter as your ticket. The online payment is through PayPal and is fully secure. You do not need a PayPal login. To use your credit card directly, just bypass the PayPal login by selecting the lower button “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” on the payment form.

Mail Check and Registration Option

If you prefer to register via snail mail and personal check, then: please write a check  made out to “Kristine Jurgenson” for the number of tickets you want; include a note with your high school and present names, the name(s) of any guests and how many of your party, if any, have vegetarian and/or gluten-free dietary restrictions. Mail the check and note to:

Kristine Lundquist Jurgenson
4004 SW Westdale Dr
Portland, OR 97221