Jeanne Burrows-Johnson



Name in High School: Jeanne Burrows

Favorite High School Memories:
English, Social Studies and Drama Classes…theatrical productions…

Favorite Teachers:
R. Dodge, Allan Gray, Francis Murray, Lowell Slick…all animated, caring instructors who shared their love of life as well as their superb knowledge and skill sets!



Name: Jeanne Burrows-Johnson

Spouse/Partner: John Burrows-Johnson

Children: Several wonderful kitties have shared our home, and combined, have led to the character of tortoiseshell Miss Una, the animal companion of Natalie Seachrist.

Occupation: Author

Favorite Pastimes: Reading and watching mysteries. Playing Mahjong. Sampling cuisine prepared by others.

Highlights of My Life Since High School:
After graduating from Wilson, I performed in productions with the Portland Civic Theatre and Mark Allen Players and continued competing in Scottish Highland Dancing. In 1972, I moved with my cat to Honolulu. There I taught and promoted performing arts programs and helped run Highland Games. In 1974 I became a member of the Highland Division of the British Association of Teachers Dancing. In 1975, I married my husband John. Except for when he was a teacher at the Naval Education and Training Center in Newport, Rhode Island, we were fortunate to spend his naval career on the island of O`ahu. During courses at Windward Community College, I rediscovered my love of history. After earning an AA in Liberal Arts, I received my BA in history at the University of Hawai`i, where I then took graduate courses in American and Asian history while a graduate teaching assistant in the World Civilizations program.

I began my career as a writer, with a series of articles on non-profits for Newport This Week. I then opened what is now, a marketing firm. Along the way, I conducted oral history interviews, co-authored an article on euthanasia for the Hawai`i Medical Journal, and one on marketing insurance for Broker World. John and I moved to Tucson, Arizona, in 1995. Here I continued my work in marketing, periodically providing speeches and seminars on business and non-profit promotion. I also wrote occasional historical articles and one on a young woman’s search for her brother for The Rotarian.  Eventually the historical pieces led to the anthology, Under Sonoran Skies, Prose and Poetry from the High Desert. After several years, the Natalie Seachrist Hawaiian mystery series was born.

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5 years ago

So wonderful talking to you at the reunion! It was a fantastic evening! Let’s keep in touch and let me know when the next “best seller” hits the stand…😊

Doug Eaton
Doug Eaton
6 years ago

Jeanne, so fun reading your bio. I wonder if you know/knew Ann Johnson who taught highland dancing in the Beaverton area. I grew up with her. Her mom and mine were OSU sorority sisters. Her dad was a top piper and president of the Portland Highland Games for many years. I loved hearing him play the pipes as a boy and took it up seven years ago and am in the Willamette Valley Pipe and Drum band. My dad lived in Hilo the last six years of his life and my auntie lives in Kona. She bugs me to bring… Read more »

Jeanne Burrows-Johnson
Jeanne Burrows-Johnson
6 years ago
Reply to  Doug Eaton

Hi Doug–I also enjoyed your bio…we seem to cross with one another in several ways! Yes, I knew Ann; we competed against each other many times. I look forward to seeing you next Saturday! Aloha, Jeanne

6 years ago

Fantastic accomplishments in your life journey since high school! Did you always know that you wanted to be an author? Spent much time in Hilo/Kapaa/Lihue for a couple of decades as I had a condo there that “called” me all the time!😎
Hope to see you at the reunion!

Jeanne Burrows-Johnson
Jeanne Burrows-Johnson
6 years ago

Dear Rick–I’m sorry to be so late in responding…I still get lost when following directions to fill out forms…When were you on the Big Island? I was primarily in Kamuela and Hilo…1972 to about 1978 once or twice a year…See you in September Aloha, Jeanne

Rick Krahn
Rick Krahn
6 years ago

Jeanne, Amazing bio! I lived on the big island for a year and recently spent some time in Honolulu so we’ve got Hawaii in common.
I look forward to visiting with you in September.

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