Katy Nadal



Name in High School: Katy Nadal

Favorite High School Memories: 
Day 1, Mr Nairn for Reg I met people who would be with me for the rest of High School: Jamia Murray, Bruce Myers, and Jerry Nepom.  After squirt-guns were banned, the first person my squirt-gun met coming around the corner was Mr. Nairn, of course!  I remember eating 15 cent sukiyaki almost every day so that I could use my lunch money for the ski bus trips in the winter.  I remember the day in Physics class with Mr. Heinz that we had our electric séance, enjoying a nice classmate mutual shock in our circle of connectedness.  I remember the day that Mr. Meinicke looked at me with a bemused look when after a class devoted to learning that all matter is moving I told him that he “didn’t need to open the door for us to leave because if we just put enough pressure on the door for enough time we would slowly move through it, right?”  I remember Miss Guinnazzo letting Janine Shaw and I write our own Spanish dialogs, including smashing confetti filled eggs on each other.  I remember Mr. Murray looking over our heads to where the wall meets the ceiling and encouraging us to get into our heads with assignments like:  ‘Write your philosophy of life’  which necessitated my going home to ask my dad what his philosophy of life was so that I’d know what in the world I was supposed to write about.  And, I remember Mrs Dodge to whom I’m forever indebted for teaching me to love words and introducing me to the world of teaching.



Highlights of My Life Since High School:

After Wilson, I continued with school (courses in Michigan, Colombia, Wyoming, Portland, & Japan) and worked both out of state and out of country (Michigan, Iowa, Washington, Iran) with interests in geography, culture, the environment & sustainability, communication, preventative health lifestyle,  & yoga guiding the direction of my life.  I became a mom  to three (Kristen, John, Karen) and a host mom to a Brazilian 17 year old (Domingos) while living in Iowa, returning to Oregon by way of Bellevue, WA in 1994.   I enjoy teaching (95% of the time!)–primarily ESL, Interculturual Communication, various communications classes–including public speaking, and yoga. I lost a great friend and husband, Jim Hansen, in 2003; but fortunately have supportive extended family and the additions of my children’s  spouses/partners (Aaron & Megan) and friends and colleagues who made reconfiguring my life easier.  I try to be a good ‘guest’ on earth–to use my dad’s analogy for his philosophy of life.  (Again, thank you Mr. Murray for the assignment.) So, if you have read this far….Be kind to yourself, others and the earth. And… find something or someone to appreciate…. and enjoy in your day!

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6 years ago

We had fun “manning “the registration table at the reunion…we had a smooth system! I wish we could have chatted more as you have had a fulfilling and wonderful life. So sorry you lost your best friend and husband but it sounds like you were blessed with a loving relationship…and that is such a gift in itself.
I will see you at our next committee meeting 😊 and you truly were a kind soul in high school.

6 years ago

I appreciate you,Katy Nadal.

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