Don Jensen
Name in High School: Don Jensen
Favorite High School Memories: Turning chairs around in Miss Hutchinson’s German class while she was out for a smoke and having her think she was in the wrong classroom when she returned. Cruising with Dennis and Gary. Senior choir. Friday night after-game dances. The Carnival. Mr. Murray’s junior English class. The Starlighters all night practice sessions. Eggs. Jr and Sr prom. Basketball game at the Memorial Coliseum against Grant. Jazz band. Rehearsals for the musicals. Meeting a lot of great people, both teachers and classmates.
Favorite Teachers: Mr. Murray (jr English), Mr. Lotz (choir), Coach Crandall, Mr. Pacheco (driver’s ed), Mrs. Harris (3rd year German)
Spouse/Partner: Kathy Jensen
Children: Kelly (Nate) Henne (42) lives in Clinton, Utah; Craig (Jami) Jensen (40) lives in Tigard; Tom (Lisa) Jensen (38) lives in Wilsonville; and Megan (Glen) Merrell (35) lives in South Ogden, Utah
Grandchildren: 11 in total, ranging in age from 18 (with one graduated from HS this year) to 1.
Occupation: Retired in March 2018 after working as President and CFO of Crookco Holdings, Inc. for 28 years. This job took me around the world. Started my career at Touche Ross & Co. CPA’s. Worked on many different and interesting audit engagements, including Blitz-Weinhard (they didn’t think there’d be much inventory shrinkage while I was there), North Pacific Lumber Company (at the time, the largest lumber broker in the US), Plush Pippin (yum!) and Rajneesh Foundation International (yes, I got to meet Sheela and stay in the hotel out at the ranch and no, I didn’t get to ride in one of Bhagwan’s Rolls Royces) .
Favorite Pastimes: Spending time with kids, grandkids, and extended family. Reading mysteries (Lee Child (how can a squirt like Tom Cruise play a part like Jack Reacher?), Grisham, JA Jance, Daniel Silva). Traveling both locally and abroad, cycling, golfing, going to grandkids’ events (including Little League baseball games at Alpenrose), listening to classic rock and roll, church work.
Highlights of My Life Since High School: College at BYU in Provo, Utah, graduating with an accounting degree. LDS mission to Germany. Meeting my wife at a softball game in Renton, WA. Being a husband (45 years in December) and dad. Passing the CPA exam. Coaching my kids’ soccer, basketball and baseball teams. Playing on multiple rec league volleyball, basketball and softball teams (including one that played in the state penitentiary against a team of inmates. Guess who won.) Traveling to the Far East, Europe, and South America for business and pleasure. My church service, including being in charge, with my wife, of a youth dance festival at the Memorial Coliseum where 3,000 kids from around the Portland metro area participated. Helping build sets for the musicals at Beaverton HS. Cycle Oregon and cycling the coast from Washington to California with my brother. Conducting a choir at the women’s prison with my wife as accompanist.
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I suppose I should apologize for posting the picture of you being “humble” on our Facebook page but I knew your children would want to see it😌!
You have had an exciting and fruitful life and I can only imagine how many lifes you have touched with your community service.
See you in September and at our next meeting!